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Think about WHY You Started

I received a text from one of my best friends that basically said "What's the point?  I miss food."  I hated seeing that text.  I don't like seeing anyone feel that way.  I see posts like this on Connect.  I am sure that most of these posts are probably a result of frustration.  The scale isn't moving in the right direction, or it isn't moving enough.  We miss eating the way we used to, even though we know it was those old habits that brought us to this journey, in the first place.  We compare ourselves to others, and see that someone else has had better results in less time.  It may even be that we totally blew our points for one day, and feel like a failure.  "I screwed up, so I might as well quit."

This is when we have to remember WHY we started this journey in the first place.  We were all told to find our "WHY".  Your reason may be as simple as just wanting to get back into an old pair of jeans.  It may be that your health is in jeopardy.  Maybe you looked at yourself in the mirror and decided that you hated the person looking back at you.  Maybe it is a combination of many things.  Whatever your reason is, it was strong enough to make you walk into a Weight Watchers meeting, or join online.  It was strong enough to make you want to change!

When frustration hits, and, it does hit everyone, we all need to take a minute and focus on our "WHY".  Unless we have met our goal, those reasons are still there.  Do you still hate the person you see in the mirror?  Is your health still in jeopardy?  Quitting solves nothing.  Sooner or later, you will start again.  Let your "WHY" outweigh your frustrations.  Your "WHY" is strong, and so are YOU!  You've got this!

Always remember – YOU ARE AWESOME!  Go out and make it a great day!
**If you like this post, please feel free to share it, or to share the link to the blog!  It is with your help that I may reach, and inspire others!  I welcome comments!  I welcome suggestions!  If you wish to contact me privately, email me at .
Thank you for your support !


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