Once upon a time.... We all have stories to tell, and we should tell them! People may be on the same journey as we are on, but that journey is totally different for everyone. Your story may inspire me. My story may inspire you, or someone else. I have told some of my stories throughout this blog. I hope that someone has who has read my stories, has been touched, and found a little bit of hope and inspiration for themselves. My stories may not resonate with everyone. I don't expect everyone to see themselves in my story. Your story may resonate with someone, when my story didn't! Share your story! This doesn't mean that you have to tell things that you don't want people to know. It doesn't have to be a confessional-type story unless you want it to be. (I think everyone has things that they will never share with anyone, and that's alright.) Think of how good it will feel when your story inspires someo...
Inspiration and positive thoughts for your day!