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Showing posts from August, 2018

Too Many Thoughts At Once

I woke up this morning, tired.  That's never a good thing for my brain.  All I wanted was to go back to sleep, but I set the goal to walk on the treadmill for an hour, every morning this week, before work - because I know I won't do it after work.  The past few weeks, I haven't kept the exercise goal at all, so this week, I am going to do it, no matter what.    So, I start walking, and I'm ok with that, until my boyfriend asked me if I want a turkey sandwich or a frozen dinner, for lunch.  That's all it took to get my brain going.  The frustration, disappointment, and anger had started.   So, I'm going to address these feelings, one by one.   FRUSTRATION!   The thought of another turkey sandwich made me want to gag, right there on the spot.  I'm soooo sick of turkey.  Actually, I'm sick of everything that I eat!  People don't seem to understand "picky," to the extent that I am picky.  Be...

What's Wrong With Me?

Well, I'm thinking something is wrong with me.  I feel like my fire is burning out.  I feel less than enthusiastic about this journey, and how close I am to reaching my goal.  I'm really "blah."  I'm off of my game.   I think that this feeling started after I applied to be a Weight Watcher's Leader.  I was fired up.  I thought I could help people, and that I could make a difference.  This is something I believe in.  I believed that this is something I would be good at.  I had my friends, people from my meeting, people from Connect, and from a couple of Weight Watchers pages on Facebook, supporting me - telling me that I would be great at this.  Then, a few weeks later I get this cold, computer generated email that tells me that there is no position for me, and that this is a very competitive field.  It then told me that they wished me good luck in my job search.  It didn't even say that they would ke...